For Contributors

Postgres Schema


It is the data contract between the gateway and the portal. Any change to the schema must be coordinated between the portal and the gateway. It is a shared component between the portal and the gateway, as such connecting the two components. We put it in the services/postgres directory so neither codebase feels it has direct control.

Schemas are managed by Prisma object relational model (ORM). It allows to generate object models for the schemas. You can run just generate to generate the javascript code for interacting with the database. In addition changes to the schema can be pushed to the database with just migrate.


The schema consists of several tables. There is a conceptual partition in the schema based on whether the gateway proxy directly interfaces with it. There are portal-specific tables and some tables which are shared between the gateway and the portal. Tables that are not interfacing with the gateway are frontend-specific and can be modified without the need to coordinate with the golang packages.

Shared Tables

  • Tenant:
    • created by the portal, apps can be attached to it
    • stores and tracks the relay balance
  • App:
    • application table, managed by the portal
    • each app represents an set of endpoints for the enabled chains
  • AppRule:
    • app rules add security or constraints on the endpoints
  • RuleType:
    • types of app rules supported by the gateway
  • PaymentLedger:
    • updated and managed by the event watcher
  • RelayLedger:
    • updated by the gateway as relays are consumed
  • Products:
    • lookup table for endpoint
    • contains the supported chains for the gateway
    • maps the chain name to the POKT identifier
    • enables per product usage tracking

Portal-only Tables

  • User:
    • stores user and session information
  • Org:
    • for future use
    • allows multiple users to share a Tenant
  • Enterprise:
    • for future use
    • an enterprise can have multiple tenants and organisations
    • since balances are managed at the tenant level, allows multiple cost centers


Several tables aren't yet managed by the portal and must be manually updated to complete the functionality for production.

The Product table contains the information about which chains are offered. You can add a new product by running psql and performing:

INSERT INTO "Products" ("id", "name", "weight", "params", "updatedAt", "poktId") VALUES (<unique_id>, <chain_name>, <weight 1000=100%>, <future_use, "">, NOW(), <4 digit pokt_id>);

The RuleType table establishes the rules possible for apps. If adding a new type:

INSERT INTO "RuleType" ("id", "name", "isEditable", "isMultiple", "validationType", "validationValue", "updatedAt", "description") VALUES (<unique_id>, <name_key>, <user_can_modify>, <1:n?>, (function, regex, etc), <validation>, NOW(), <description>);

In addition, follow the documentation for Gateway Server to set the pokt_applications (app stakes) and chain_configurations (altruists, etc) table values.