For Contributors
Architecture Overview

Overview of RPC Gateway Architecture

Below is an architecture diagram for reference. The architecture of this system is broken into four main parts.

  • The gateway portal allows users to manage their account and create apps to use on the gateway proxy
  • The gateway proxy handles RPC requests and charges the account for access to the POKT network
  • The on-chain portion manages the financial flow to buy credits and pay the POKT network
  • The POKT network is interfaced through the gateway server product

Database Design

The portal manages creation and updates to accounts in the postgres database. The gateway proxy uses a redis database primarily to cache data from this postgres database, but also writes from the proxy are cached to be updated in chunks to the postgres database.

  • See schema for furter details on the postgres canonical data store


  • Usage credits can be purchased and can be applied to increase account balance via the ERC-20 smart contract
  • An event watcher listens for these events and credits the account in the database

Architecture Diagram

For further details on the architecture and data flow, refer to the diagram above.